Monday, September 1, 2014

                                  EUROWATER PROJECT EXPERIENCE


In this June 2014 our school started a project called Eurowater, and our grade travelled to Germany to do this project. Eurowater is basicly an orginasation of countries that form a part of Europe which every year all this countries meet in a chosed country to make this project wich consist on doing activities of the water. Every year Eurowater meet in a diferent country of Europe.


One day after my birthday our class travelled to Germany to do the Eurowater activities. First we travelld by airplane, and we finally got to germany and every stundent intalled went to a family germans house so Eurowater prepared an interchange for every student in my class, and we stayed in Germany for five days. Every day of those five days we went to an Eurowater project and every day we did a diferent activity like going on a Natural Park of the northen sea of Germany to study its enviroment. Wile we were doing those activities every day we live in a family germans houes, so we sleep there and we conlive with those families.


In my opinon I really liked Eurowater because I was installed in a very conftable family that treat me very well, and I also thing the Eurowater activities were very interesting, but wath I really liked In this trip was the last day that we did a disco night and I had a lot of fun dancing and hearing music. So at the end it was a great experience.

   P.S: i didnt meet wtih girls >:(

Friday, August 29, 2014


                                                               OLIVER TWIST

       Hi laidys and gentlemen, to this entry i tell you a short summary for the book of Oliver Twist. I have como to it when my mother was send me when she was in London. 

       The book is about one orphan boy, Oliver Twist, that he lives is a workhause in very bat conditions especially wtih the foot. One they Oliver said to the cook ( Plis sir, I can another) and the director very angry, paid a women wtih a coffin marker for take him at his shop for work, bat Oliver afraid run away.
After one boy "Doger" met whit he in his hause and hots Oliver, bat the problem is that the boos of the hause taught to steal, and one they caught Oliver, although one  rich old men welcomes him in his hause because he nows his situation. Bat the adventurs if Oliver not end there because he is kidnapped for a friends of the masterchief although afeter hi returns wtih his adopting parend, the old men.

       I liked the book is very interesting and it speak that the bad live of the century XIX in London. And finally the writer is Charles Dikens

Friday, August 8, 2014


                Hi other time, today im my free entry, this time i tell you one thing wtih very inportance for me and very curious. Then start !!!,

                What has do the break for that it this enclosed? The break wtih the time, it makes very strong, like a rock or a nightclup bouncer, and it hit his other friends like Mr meet or others inportants personalitys, and the break avange catching his prey inside and strangling.

                Danger whit the break, and remenber never get aut him of his plastic prision. Bye see you

Thursday, August 7, 2014


                                                                    MY SUMMER

               Hi, I remenber you that my name is Alejandro, bat the peapol call me javi, i dont now because bat ..., Im used. Bat now not is the time for tell this story, this time is abaut for tell my holidays (that busybody).

              This summer i have to confess that  i slept a lot the 50% of the day, and the other 50% i play games like League of Legends my favorite game, is a "moba" like the Smite ather more bat that the lol. Also i was go wtih my beach friends to the fair and clearly to the Canet beach and definitle todey my cousin come to give me "the pc of the power" it was cost a eye of my face.

              This is all for today, finally sey that i have a good summer in the beach wtih my friends and playing to the lol, bye and see you.

Monday, April 28, 2014



Hi, in this post I´ll explain the film project in School 2, the objetive of this project is make a parody for one film wit yours partners.

My freek team took the lord of the rings part 2 " The two towers". My parthener in this dangerus adventure for make the fim where, Hugo the camara, Pau the special effects altough he it was special, Junan who make the dialog bat in the film you can´t see amd my the director, is very dificult work with this slpee team .

I like this project, I see good for acquiere level of inglis in a way that like all. the team had a lots of problem in the time of stay in my hause for record the film bat juanan can´go to record for a family problem. Now I know the big work that makes the director, I help all of my partners for coordinate the work. Definitly I love this project because is original and is very cool.